Charis has zero-tolerance stance on bullying


Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour, that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. – Source:


Bullying usually has three common features:

  • It is deliberate, hurtful behaviour
  • It is repeated
  • It is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves


There are three main types of bullying:

  • Physical (hitting, kicking, taking belongings)
  • Verbal (name-calling, insulting, racist remarks)
  • Indirect/emotional (spreading nasty stories, excluding from groups)


Bullying is NOT one-off instances of name calling or bad behaviour.

If a student is being bullied (as laid out above), or is aware of it happening to another, then they should report it to a teacher immediately.

As staff, we try to educate out students in home-room time, during family time and in the classroom about what bullying looks and the long-lasting effects it can have.